Wildfire in Coldstream BC, July 2021
Photo @ItsGavP
The BC Climate Emergency Campaign is a joint initiative of civil society organizations, anxious about the climate emergency, who are collaborating to increase the ambition of climate policy and action in so-called British Columbia.

The summer of 2021 was devastating for many British Columbians, marked by the June heat dome event and the loss of over 600 people, hundreds of wildfires leading to people losing their homes, days of smoke, and thousands of evacuations. November 2021 saw the atmospheric river and devastating floods that drowned hundreds of thousands of farm animals and caused billions of dollars in public and private damage. People now understand the emergency is here and now.
It’s time BC had a real climate emergency plan.
Roadmap to 2030, the province’s most recent official climate plan, does not match the scale of the crisis we are in.
It needs a profound reboot.
And you can help.
In September 2021, the BC Climate Emergency Campaign - along with the first wave of 200 organizational signatories - came together to push the BC government towards emergency-level action.
The Campaign sent an open letter to the BC government declaring 10 Actions for BC to Confront the Climate Emergency.
Organizations are invited to sign the open letter calling on the BC government to implement
these 10 Actions.
In the wake of the deadly heatwaves, wildfires and droughts of the past few years, the provincial government needs to take transformative action to match the scale of the crisis we are facing. BC’s current climate plan is not enough to limit warming to 1.5°C and will not keep us safe from the worst impacts of climate change.
This open letter calls on the BC government to implement 10 actions that are immediately required to confront the climate emergency.
Help us fight for a cleaner, safer, more just future for all in so-called Beautiful British Columbia. Help us push the government towards emergency-level action.
Please note: This letter is intended for organizations only.